• Artist: Ken Schneck
  • Title: 8/14/14 - Rick Flynn
  • Album: This Show is So Gay
  • Track: 272
  • Genre: Gay Talk Radio
  • Year: 2014
  • Length: 20.23 MB
  • Format: Stereo 44kHz

This week, we're challenging you to expand your focus to include the great big world out there in which our LGBT brothers and sisters are facing obstacles that are almost unfathomable.

To help you in that process, we welcome filmmaker Rick Flynn to talk about his new documentary Golf Alpha Yankee which exposes the torture, imprisonment, and even execution of gay people from Iran, simply because of who they love. In this uber-engaging chat, we cover everything from his incredible process of creating this content to the joys of crowd source funding to how you can find the man of your dreams at a Friendly’s in New Jersey with your church group.

All this and a TON of news with Ken. So much ground to cover!

Open the Door - Eric Himan
Sugar You Ain’t So Sweet - Eric Himan

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8/14/14 - Rick Flynn