Submitted by ken on Thu, 12/04/2014 - 10:26.
- Artist: Ken Schneck
- Title: 12/4/14 - William Blake
- Album: This Show is So Gay
- Track: 287
- Genre: Gay Talk Radio
- Year: 2014
- Length: 20.26 MB
- Format: Stereo 44kHz
So, you’re on a float in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. And Miss USA is over your back shoulder waving. And the Ronald McDonald balloon is coming up fast behind you. What do you do?!?
Well, if you are cabaret star William Blake, you put on a big gay scarf and sing the hell out of a Thanksgiving song to 22.6 million people watching around the world. And that’s just what he did and he is here to tell us all about it! So. Much. Fun!
All this and a ton of LGBT news including a holiday gift and the idea of a celibate Ken…sorta.
Everyday People - Sly and the Family Stone
This Is the New Year – A Great Big World
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