- Artist: Ken Schneck
- Title: 2/16/17 - Elizabeth Schwartz & True Colors: Out Youth Theater
- Album: This Show is So Gay
- Track: 390
- Genre: Gay Talk Radio
- Year: 2017
- Length: 67.56 MB
- Format: Stereo 44kHz
It’s Valentine’s Day Week and we’re celebrating the only way we know how: by loving the voices that are out there making a difference!
First up, lawyer/advocate/author Elizabeth Schwartz joins us to walk us through why the legal side of relationships is just as important as the flowers and chocolate. Her new book Before I Do: A Legal Guide to Marriage, Gay and Otherwise has so many important lessons for our community, from pushing us to have difficult (but necessary!) conversations to why a prenuptial agreement can actually be the hottest thing ever (Elizabeth’s words, not ours).
Then we’re MOST pleased to welcome Evelyn Francis and ViQuan Smith of True Colors: Out Youth Theater, the country’s largest and longest-running LGBTQ youth theater program. We talk all about the importance of voice, the power of theater, and that time when they received the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award right from First Lady Michelle Obama, the highest honor granted to a program for creative youth development.
All this and a brief snipped of LGBT news with Ken including his brief reflection on the attention-seeking Chadwick Moore. DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN IN TODAY!
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