• Artist: Ken Schneck
  • Title: Rainbow Rewind 12/12/13 - Kate Clinton & Matt Crabtree
  • Album: This Show is So Gay
  • Genre: Gay Talk Radio
  • Year: 2014
  • Length: 20.23 MB
  • Format: Stereo 44kHz

Ken is volunteering in Kansas City this week with a group of students, so we bring to you a second chance to listen to a favorite recent episode.

First up, political humorist Kate Clinton returns (after a 3 year absence!) to talk everything from LGBT progress to the Cheney sisters to Thanksgivukkah to death. Yes, that’s right...death.

Then, Ken's new arch-nemesis, our adorable buddy Matt Crabtree walks us through what it’s like to both get a part on Modern Family AND date Tom Daley (we’re officially starting that rumor now).

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Rainbow Rewind 12/12/13 - Kate Clinton & Matt Crabtree